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Svantek SVAN974

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Vibromètre et analyseur FFT classe 1 - conforme ISO10816-1
-- Produit distribué en France uniquement --
Produit configurable (options, accessoires, accéléromètre). Nous consulter pour définir la configuration souhaitée.

Mesures simultanées d'accélération, de vitesse et de déplacement.
Filtre machine intégré (ISO 10816-1).
Analyse FFT temps réel.
Mémoire sur carte uSD (4Go en standard).
Interface USB.
Ecran OLED 2.4" couleur, 320x240 pixels.
Entrée pour accéléromètres IEPE et CHARGE.
Alimenté par 4 piles AA. 

Analyse temps réel 1/1 et 1/3 octave (option).
Mesure de la vitesse de rotation d'une machine en parallèle avec la mesure de vibration (RPM) (option).
Mesures d'enveloppe pour la vérification de l'état des roulements (option).
Equilibrage de machines tournantes (option).
Mesures de vibrations appliquées à l'homme, ISO 8041 (option).
Connecteur prévu pour brancher un tachymètre (tachymètre disponible en option). 

Livré en standard avec un accéléromètre modèle SV80 (IEPE, simple axe, sensibilité 10 mV/(ms-2) ~ 100 mV/g, 0.5Hz à 14kHz)
Fournis avec certificat d'étalonnage.

3 577,00 € 3577.0 EUR 3 577,00 € Hors taxes

3 577,00 € Hors taxes


Cette combinaison n'existe pas.

SVAN 974 Vibration Meter

SVAN 974 Vibration Level Meter and Analyser is intended for general vibration measurements and machinery condition monitoring. It can be used by consultants, maintenance services, industry R&D departments etc.

Instrument allows parallel acceleration, velocity and displacement measurements. Three vibration profiles allow parallel measurements with independently defined filters and RMS detector time constants. Each profile provides a significant number of results (like RMS, Peak or Max).

The advanced time-history logging for each profile provides the complete information about the measured signal. Measurements data stored to microSD card can be easily downloaded to any PC using the USB interface and SvanPC++ software.

Most of required weighting filters, like VelMF, meeting ISO 10816 standard requirements, are available with this instrument. Using the computational power of its digital signal processor, the SVAN 974 instrument can perform additionally the real-time 1/1 or 1/3 octave or FFT analysis. The SVAN 974 offers also, parallel to the vibration measurement, the RPM measurement with Monarch laser tachometer.

Instrument is powered from four AA standard or rechargeable batteries. The powering of the instrument from the USB interface is also provided. The robust and very compact case together with a light-weight design complete the exceptional features of this modern instrument.


  • Low-cost vibration analyser
  • IEPE and charge type accelerometers supported
  • Three parallel independent profiles - parallel acceleration, velocity and displacement measurements
  • Built-in machine filter (10 Hz ÷ 1 kHz) meeting ISO 20816 requirements
  • FFT real time analysis - up to 1600 lines (included)
  • 1/1 octave or 1/3 octave real time analysis (option)
  • RPM measurements (option)
  • Time domain signal recording to WAV format (option)
  • Advanced Data Logger of RMS / Max / Peak results including spectral analysis
  • OLED colour display
  • MicroSD card
  • Advanced trigger function
  • Power supply by four AA rechargeable or standard batteries
  • Battery operational time up to 16 h (in the meter mode)
  • Compact, light weight and robust case (only ca 390 grams including batteries)
  • USB 1.1 Client
  • Easy in use


Standards ISO 10816-1
Number of Profiles 3
Weighting Filters

Acceleration: HP1, HP3, HP10, Wh Velocity: Vel1, Vel3, Vel10, Displacement: Dil1, Dil3, Dil10

Machine filter: VelMF (ISO 10816-1)

Time Constants from 100 ms to 10 s
RMS Detector Digital True RMS detector with Peak detection, resolution 0.1 dB
Accelerometer SV 80 IEPE, single axis, sensitivity 10 mV/(ms-2) ~ 100 mV/g
Measurement Range 0.01 ms-2 RMS ÷ 438 ms-2 Peak (with SV 80)
Frequency Range 1 Hz ÷ 5 kHz (with SV 80 and HP or HP1 filter)
Internal Noise Level Less than 10 μV RMS (IEPE input & HP1 filter)
Dynamic Range > 100 dB

Vibration Analyser

1/1 Octave Analysis (option)

Real-time analysis meeting Class 1 requirements of IEC 61260, center frequencies from 1 Hz to 16 kHz (full band) with selectable weighting filter and detector

1/3 Octave Analysis (option)

Real-time analysis meeting Class 1 requirements of IEC 61260, center frequencies from 0.8 Hz to 20 kHz (full band) with selectable weighting filter and detector

 FFT Analysis (included)

400 or 800 or 1600 lines in selectable band from 78 Hz to 20 kHz with HP weighting filter, selectable averaging: linear or exponential, and selectable window

RPM (option) Rotation measurement option without Laser Tachometer (option), measurement of RPM, RPS, RMAX, RMIN

General information

Input IEPE, Charge amplifier or Direct with TNC connector
IEPE Current Selectable: 1.5 mA, 3.0 mA, 4.5 mA
Frequency Range
(-3 dB)
0.7 Hz ÷ 22.6 kHz, sampling rate 48 kHz
Memory MicroSD card 8 GB (removable & upgradeable)
Display Colour 320 x 240 pixels, OLED type
Keyboard 9 push buttons
Communication interfaces

USB 1.1 Client
Extended I/O - AC output 1 V RMS Sine (1.41 V Peak) or Digital Input/Output (Trigger - Pulse)

Power supply

Four AA alkaline or rechargeable NiMH batteries (not included)
USB interface 500 mA HUB

Environmental Conditions

Temperature from -10 oC to 50 oC
Humidity up to 90% RH, non-condensed
Dimensions 140 mm x 83 mm x 33 mm (including microphone and preamplifier)
Weight  Approx. 0.4 kg with batteries (without accelerometer)


*Continuous product development and innovation are the policy of our company. Therefore, we reserve the right to change the specifications without prior notice.