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Logiciel FlukeView® pour scopemeter série 120B, 190 III et analyseurs MDA-510, MDA-550
Logiciel FlukeView® pour le téléchargement, l'analyse et l'établissement de rapports avec les ScopeMeter® .
Compatibilité : Fluke 120B Series et 190 Series III ScopeMeter®, MDA-510 et MDA-550 Motor Drive Analyzers.
Recquiert un câble d'interface PC: PM9080 (RS-232) ou OC4USB (USB).
Non compatible avec les anciennes versions de ScopeMeter® (Fluke 190 Series II, Fluke 120 Series, Fluke 19xB/C Series et Fluke 2x5C). 

Logiciel (démo limitée à activer ensuite via un code (envoyé après achat)) téléchargeable ici :

346,00 € 346.0 EUR 346,00 € Hors taxes

346,00 € Hors taxes


Cette combinaison n'existe pas.

FlukeView® for ScopeMeter® Test Tools


FlukeView® software adds PC power to your Fluke ScopeMeterFlukeView® ScopeMeter software helps youget more out of your ScopeMeter by: Documenting: Transfer screens.waveforms. and measurement data from the ScopeMeter to your PC forprinting. or to import data to other programs. Archiving: Store andretrieve waveforms with text annotations and create your own libraryfor easy reference and comparison. Analysis: Gather valuablemeasurement data and enable cursor measurements to reveal relationshipsand conditions. Extended recording of up to four user-selectedmeasurements help you monitor and analyze slow moving signals andrelated events. Upload waveforms to the PC and use cursors for detailedmeasurements. Perform waveform analysis. including analyzing harmonics.



FlukeView-2 Fluke 120B, 190 Series III ScopeMeter® | MDA-510, MDA-550 Motor Drive Analyzers
FlukeView-1 Used with DISCONTINUED Fluke 190 Series II, Fluke 120 Series, Fluke 19xB/C Series and Fluke 2x5C Series portable oscilloscopes.


The 2 softwares can be downloads at the link below :